CCA’s older elementary program continues seamlessly from the younger grades.


Children build on their foundation of language, literacy, math, and the humanities while capitalizing on their amazing memorization capabilities. The swiftly paced schedule allows children to have exposure to a multitude of subjects throughout the day without the fatigue that comes with hovering too long over one area in particular.  Frequent breaks and daily outdoor time also play a significant role so that children can recharge and refocus in ways that are meaningful to them.  


While much of the structure is similar to the younger elementary program, there are differences to support the children’s growth. Grading becomes more structured, and subject matter is more complex. Children are encouraged to be more independent and self-sufficient in their studies, and learn how to take responsibility for their work.


Class sizes are small (with groups of 15 or less) and the curriculum engages a variety of learners. The focus is less about performance and compliance, and more about engagement and comprehension.